Out-licensing groups need to understand the quality of a patent portfolio that they intend to out-license. SPA analysts, using their technical backgrounds, conduct in-depth technology searches to identify the closest competing technologies and then use this information to identify specific differentiating features of the client’s technology. Such reports are used by the clients in either potential target identification and / or in developing a focused sales pitch for the technology targeting specific customers.

Key Deliverables

  • Prepare a customized report that provides answers to specific client questions
  • Identify the closest competing technologies
  • Identify specific differentiating features of the client technology
  • Summarize technology strengths, weaknesses, and emerging areas

Related Case Studies


工業用バルブに関する特許ポートフォリオのデューディリジェンスをSPAに依頼。 デューディリジェンスの主たる目的は、競合他社と自社のポートフォリオの比較、及び、非関連分野での自社特許技術の事業化の可能性の探索。




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