
Please join us for our free upcoming webinar: “Connect-the-dots: Draw conclusions from data to discover emerging science and critical information you can build into your strategy”.

This interactive session is intended to assist research and development organizations in exploring external opportunities and making informed decisions while conducting their own research.


Date: July 12th 2023; Time: 11:00 AM EST | 08:00 AM PST | 10:00 AM CST; Duration: 1 hour

In this webinar, you will have the opportunity to:

Discover how this unique approach of blending Machine Learning, Deep Web crawling, and manual analysis brings efficiency to draw conclusions from large sets of data to make it meaningful for your organization.

Explore real-world examples in life sciences and consumer products to gain a diverse perspective.

The presenters are:

  • Linda Perucca will introduce the concept of Connecting-the-dots
  • Mr. Laxminarayana will discuss case studies from the Life Sciences sector
  • Mr. Vikramaditya will present case studies from the Consumer Products sector

The “Connect-the-Dots” platform provides users with the capability of seamlessly connecting-the-dots and, thus, simplifies the process of generating insights. Explore how you can apply this to your research projects by taking advantage of this opportunity.